New Moon in Scorpio Blessings to You! Here’s a Scorpio Goddess to help you connect with the deep and magickal power of the moment ‘cause i painted Her during this New Moon and remember to set your New Moon intentions for the month ahead knowing that its Lunar Samhain as well which heightens the potency of your new moon wishes ie. Its the Celtic New Year!
The Scoop: Since beginning year two Advanced Training in Celtic Faerie Shamanism with Francesca De Grandis, I’ve felt the power building. I’ve also gone back to marketing and business; something I took a break from over the summer to focus on my abstract watercolor landscape series. I’m also honing in on business staples (but from an artist’s perspective) such as my mission, purpose, target market and unique value proposition thanks to watching and learning from Ann Rea’s one page biz plan and free videos. I’m also ready for a complete website revamp since I’m not too happy with how my WordPress site is functioning on a cell phone. I’m debating between two platforms: SquareSpace or Shopify so that I can finally sell artwork directly from my website.
Here’s a sampling of some of my latest Goddess inspired paintings which were created with both my right and left hands. Why? Because I wouldn’t want to get ‘too perfect’ or precious with my work so I like to shake things up by using both hands and uniting my brain, so to speak.
More Goddess Goodness

Kathy Crabbe is an artist and energy reader living in sunny SoCal with her husband and pet muses, Abby the shaggy black dog and Djinn Djinn, the small scruffy one in an adobe home they built themselves.
Kathy is painting a Lefty-a-Day for 365 days and posting all works in-progress on Instagram at