for love of the Great Being

I never know what's going to come out when I start a painting; I guess that means I'm an intuitive painter. If I overthink what I'm going to do beforehand it usually doesn't work out, it becomes stiff, formal, uninspired. Today's beastie was inspired by the Sun and how grateful I am for living in Southern California where it's sunny and warm in the winter. May this painting bring a small ray of sunshine into your life. beastie lion, gouache on paper by artist Kathy Crabbe

Prints and cards are available at

About the Creative Soul Guides ~ Art to Awaken Your Creative Soul

Creative Soul Guides help us enter into other realms; realms where inspiration, quirkiness, love, and being different are okay.

Kathy Crabbe painted the Creative Soul Guides with her non-dominant left hand. This awakened Kathy’s intuition and she started giving Creative Soul Readings using a deck of 88 cards.

NEW! Soul Essence Portraits ~ feed your sacred soul.

 “Juicy Alive! Your Creative Soul Guides make me feel like I’m not alone. They restore something in me…make me feel sane again.” ~ Tangerine Bolen, Revolution Truth Founder

Kathy Crabbe: Guiding Your Creative Soul

Kathy Crabbe is a Creative Soul Guide, artist, author and educator who has devoted her life to exploring spirituality and creativity with passion and integrity. Kathy empowers soul-seekers to live the life of their dreams through online resources, inspirational art, Divine Feminine eClasses, eBooks, and Creative Soul Readings infused with a rich background in the arts.

Monday's Moon-Ra Meditation: a Creative Mermaid Visualization

I refuse to take sides. Watercolor on paper, 8 x 10 inches. © 2010 by Kathy Crabbe Join with me every Monday for a Moon-Ra Meditation & Visualization to honour Mama Moon and Papa Sun (Ra).

It's the Libra New Moon so I've chosen a special Libra stone and an oracle card from my hand-painted Creative Soul Guide Deck to help ring in a whole new week, spread the love and even test out a few ideas I'm playing around with for a future Creative Soul eClass - sound like fun?

Libra Gemstone: Lepidolite

Creative Soul Guide: I refuse to take sides (see image to left)

Moon-Ra Meditation & Visualization

You understand the Sea and journey deep, deep into her depths to play and laugh and swim amongst the mermaids, octopi and the dolphins.

You are the mermaid and you call upon Lepidolite to aid you on this journey into her depths.

You swim and are completely at ease in the water and amongst the water sprites. The water is your home and you return with Lepidolite held close to your heart as you chase the waves, feel her depths and are at peace with your emotions as you dance happily with the water sparklets.

You refuse to choose between this life (underwater) or that life (on land) and your heart willingly accepts this challenge.

Lila Mermaid Collage © 2010 by Kathy V. Crabbe

Questions to Ponder:

1. What does the element of water mean for you?

2. Have you befriended a mermaid lately?

3. What does you inner mermaid look like?

4. What is the name of your inner mermaid?  (if you haven't found her yet, try out the Moon-Ra Meditation  above and you just might!)

Purchase a silk art print or cards of Circle of Mermaids (similar to Lila Mermaid) at my Etsy Shop.