I'm leaving social media except to share a few things via my etsy updates. On my recent trip to Ontario, Canada I realized how much work it is to keep up with constant posting. I will continue to share my life with you via this Blog and my New Moon Museletter. Since hitting the 54 mark (age-wise) I've decided to be more IN my life rather than simply sharing it all the time. This keeps my mind/body/soul more at peace and in synch. Sending sparkly blessings and luv to all, Kathy Crabbe.
CANADA TRIP Highlights Part 1
San Diego to Rochester then we drive to Ontario, Canada
Patty’s garden
The Opinicon
Kathy & Mark
Mad Dog Gallery, gardens, Prince Edward County
County Cider, Prince Edward County
Kathy & Jen, Dieu du Ciel, Montreal
Aunt Janice & Fred, Montreal
Poutine! Montreal
Verdun, Montreal
Check out Part 2 (3 Weeks Into Leaving Social Media) here.
About Kathy Crabbe
Artist, writer, teacher and soul guide, Kathy Crabbe invokes faerie goddess spirituality to heal, make whole and holy. She is Mother of the Lefty Oracle and Elfin Ally Oracle decks. She’s also sort of ambidextrous. Her work has appeared in We’Moon Datebook, Sage Woman Magazine, Sawdust Art Festival and the Women’s Museum of California. Kathy writes a moon column for Witches and Pagans and is a mentor at Wise Woman University where she teaches a Divine Feminine eClass.
Click here for Kathy’s Soul Readings & Astrology