New Moon Reading
Channeled by Kathy Crabbe
for the New Moon in Virgo
Sept. 9, 11:01 am PDT
Virgo is all about the small things - the details - often overlooked. This is the energy we'll be attuning ourselves to during the New Moon Meditation and Guided Visualization I've channeled for you today.
New Moon Reading & Guided Visualization
Sometimes I like to paint and photograph rocks really close-up so that the finished piece looks completely abstract. it's easy to dream in these spaces; to get lost in their infinite beauty; the beauty of tiny lichens; pink, green and mermaid aqua.
I invite you now to envision something very small and detailed like a gold leaf rose in a greeting card or a baby's fingertip, or a cat whisker, or the vine-ey pattern of a leaf found on a walk.
Immerse yourself, eyes closed in this tiny, fey world, resting there gently until you too feel a part of that tiny vision encapsulating a whole world in a raindrop.
Firstly I'd like you to identify the element that you are in. For example, the Water Element if you are having a raindrop vision.
Next, envision yourself. Are you tiny too? Are you human, elf, fairy, a color, a feeling, a dancing spark, a firefly?
This is your world; finite yet infinite.
Feel your place in this world.
In your Moon Journal (if you have one) or if you need support starting or continuing one check out my Moon-Guided eClass here.
We are separate yet together in our tiny worlds, are we not?
Blessed Be & Happy New Moon!
Kathy Crabbe
Lefty Oracle for the New Moon: Alice Lives Here Now*
Mantra: I am home.
Affirmation: My feet grow roots as I sing Her song.
Element: Earth
And HERE is where I plan to stay.
My heart is home and I belong.
If this card appears in a reading there is a sense of coming home; a feeling of belonging, complete-ness, rooted-ness. You DO belong. Acknowledge this as you let your roots sink deeper into the ground. Feel yourself gaining strength and power.
In my own life I often struggle to belong, but I find that when I do value and appreciate the good parts in my life it helps. Sometimes living in a place that does not feel like home helps us see what it is we don’t want so that when we do find our true home it’s all the sweeter.
*Excerpted from the Lefty Oracle Deck. Click here to learn more.
The Lefty Oracle Deck and 92 page Guidebook will help you break through creative blocks, identify your gifts and empower your intuition so you can move forward in a playful and profoundly life changing way.
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About Kathy Crabbe
Kathy Crabbe is an artist, writer, teacher and soul reader living in an adobe home she and her husband built by hand near Temecula, California. In 2000 she was bored and blocked creatively so she switched to her left hand. This awakened her intuitive right brain in a holistic way and she became a soul reader. Later on she created a Lefty Oracle deck to inspire others.
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