After I finished this watercolor it still seemed incomplete and so I began writing a story to accompany it. I may continue on with this story, or I may not...I've already got another painting in the works, but it's also from the Planet Flutonius Series. Take note folks, a new series is born!

Print & original are available in my shop:
Abraxia & Ceanothus Part 1
Abraxia and Ceanothus the magickal feline were a pair. They lived in the women-only section of Athanet, a small city of mystics, healers, magicians, elven cat people (called catwifs) and humans on the deep purple-coloured planet called Flutonius. Abraxia had been groomed since birth to become a Dream Priestess for her people; her magickal powers had been evident since birth, but not accessible until her initiation at age sixteen. Abraxia lived apart from her people so that she could devote herself completely to the intense preparatory rituals and study involved in this important task. She was the only Dream Priestess of her age, and only one of two on the planet.
Each day Abraxia sat before her bruling bowl which was steaming with essential oils prepared for her by the Healers of Flutonius to stimulate and balance both sides of her brain so that their latent magickal powers would be in complete harmony when they manifested. Abraxia and her long-lived Power Animal and Sacred Geometry Teacher named Ceanothus would soon be fulfilling their destiny but without a moment to spare since Flutonious’ current Dream Priestess was deathly ill with a mysterious disease that not even the Healers could cure.
Although planet Earth had been quarantined since 2021, humans had been secretly inter-breeding with off-planetary beings since the 1980’s in preparation for just this sort of thing. Abraxia was a product of this inter-breeding. Her mother was an Elfin Priestess from Flutonious which had been (secretly) discovered by the American government in the 1990’s. Her father was human, an engineer and magician with advanced degrees in both magick and electrical engineering.
There were three Guardians; a cat person, a magician and a healer that conferred regularly about Abraxia’s growing abilities. They were able to monitor her progress through remote viewing via the bruling bowl which was set to heat and emit healing magickal steam for 1 hour 8 minutes twice a day at 8 am and 8 pm. During this time Abraxia fell into a deep dream state, often with eyes wide open during which very ancient and guarded secret teachings were imparted to her. Ceanothus helped by gently sitting in Abraxia’s lap purring in tune with Abraxia’s heartbeat which became slower and slower until it was barely noticeable. This was when the deepest of deep secrets were imparted to her.