Full Moon in TaurusNovember 2, 2009
11:14 am PST
The full moon rises at sunset and sets at sunrise. Astrologically, the sun and moon are in opposition (eg. opposite each other in the sky and in opposite signs of the zodiac). She is visible all night long from moonrise to moonset.
The Taurus Moon asks us to discover what nurtures us and how we can grow deeper roots. We can almost feel the mud oozing between our toes, awakening our senses and sensuality, and growing our stubborness. It's time to cultivate our material resources, our homes and our body. (Excerpted from the We'Moon Datebook).
This months featured full moon artists are Bonnie, Sunny and Lacy - doesn't that have a nice ring to it?!
Bonnie Kanavins
Hot Pink Chick
Temple, PA
My name is Bonnie Kanavins and I am the owner/designer of Hot Pink Chick, where I design and create unique handmade jewelry for everyday wear.
Born April 29th, I am a Taurus through and through. While some (who will remain nameless….DAD) will tell you that my stubborn persistence can be a curse, I’ve always found it to be more of a blessing. When others would give up, I’ve been able to persevere. Slow and steady wins the race.
At work, my Taurean nature takes over. My office and workshop are neat, organized and every item is labeled and in its place. I have a schedule to manage all areas of my life and try not to stray from it so as not to upset the balance. I like to keep a calm, peaceful, laughter-filled environment in my home and scheduling helps to achieve that.
Like a true Taurus, I have carefully laid out my plans and goals for the future of my business and will continue striving to reach them, never losing focus, with the dogged determination of the Bull.
Sunny Day Vintage
Chicago, Illinois
I’m very much a Taurus: stubborn and intensely loyal to those I love – and I’m all about the creature comforts. Maybe that’s why I’ve always been involved in creative fields – to feather my nest and a lot of other people’s too. The warmth and comfort and personal style of “home” is what balances the life we lead away from it.
Over the years, a gifted friend has done readings for my husband and me, and our readings aligned very closely to major milestones we experienced. I’ve also had a growing recognition of my intuitive strengths, and I work on being open to that. A few years ago, when I was at a crossroads, I had a very special reading where I learned that my archangel is one of creativity and truth – and his color is yellow. Well, of course it’s yellow! As a kid, I was called Sunny. I feed off the sun, although I’m an earth sign; go figure!
No matter what style your interiors are, adding something old and soulful or mid-century cool always fits right in.
The happy faces on these two make me laugh.
This is the sort of thing I like to hide my secrets in:
This book found me at a sale out in the country. People like us probably kept books like this in our bedside tables, back in the day. Oh, and if you dream of gazing at the sun, it mean happiness lies ahead!
Whenever I see anything astrological, planetary or sunny, I’m drawn to it. Especially old stationary – maybe because my small but close set of peeps is so important to me. And look at the long mermaid hair on Miss Virgo!
Chicago, Illinois
Come on in! Kick off your shoes! Have a seat! Here - have something to eat, and more importantly, what can I get you to drink?
Loving dinner parties, nights in, and BYOB restaurants (Taurus, thrifty as always!) made it a natural fit for me to imagine something I loved that I hadn't yet found on the market: Cute, reusable (and earth friendly) wine bags, perfect for toting a bottle to a picnic or giving as a thoughtful, unique host gift when visiting a well-loved friend.

Pinkie Wine Bag/Cozy
I feel my Taurus traits come out in strategy and in art. If I'm in it, I'm in it for the long haul: I'm focused on building my shop slowly, steadily, and relying on the rewards of work that is both well done and patiently developed. Some of my happiest nights are sitting quietly at home, looking at a pile of plain wine bags and dreaming up ways to detail and accentuate them. Practicality keeps dreams in check: I started off with minimal investment by getting my yarn from thrift stores and keeping myself to a strict budget. I'll only let myself expand and buy more materials when I sell what I have (this makes it tough when building an initial inventory, though!). True to my earth sign, I work in mostly earth tones and struggle to make anything vaguely flashier - even when I know they'll sell! Charcoals, browns, and deep reds just resonate with me the strongest!
My work tends to be chunky and sturdy rather than gossamer and delicate - the heavy earth presence in my sign leads me to value things that will last. I also notice a definite trend towards the simple and elegant, another Taurus hallmark.
Although I love the company of others, I can be blissfully happy when lost in my own world - and a crochet needle and ball of yarn can be all it takes to occupy my hands while my mind drifts off. I always keep a project in my purse for when I'm on the train, waiting for appointments, or watching a good football game. It's a perfect match for me - my Taurus work ethic makes it hard to let my hands just sit there!
I can be absolutely bull-headed when a piece just is. not. working. I can't give it up! Unravel. Try again. Unravel. Change yarn color. Try again. Unravel. (repeat ad infinitum) Times like this I'm lucky enough to have a good consultant in my husband - also a Taurus. Since he's fresh to it, his sense of the aesthetic makes it easy for him to cut right to the problem. "It's too boring. You need something right here." Boom. Fixed. (Forgive me for mentioning my husband - I know this piece is about me and my work, but after all, I *am* ruled by Venus!)
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