Thank you!
If you received an extra kitty card in your April/May order of my new Cat Herbal Deck and would like to leave a little something special in the Tip Jar as a thank you it’s very much appreciated.
If you simply loved your soul reading or astro report or if you’re enjoy my faerie-esque moon-guided soul reading, astro nuggets that I send out every moonth please consider making a luv offering to keep the elf-in-me inspired and the human-in-me happily in biz. If you would prefer to send a check please make it out to “Kathy Crabbe” and mail it to: PO Box 84, Corona del Mar, CA USA 92625.
Sparkly Blessings!
Kathy Crabbe
“Your Moon Vibes are helpful in a way that doesn’t get carried away with all the possibilities. I often get bogged down in those really wordy ones. ~ Penny Fruth, Freelance Writer, Oklahoma
This most recent New Moon reading is helping to keep me sane right now, and I am grateful for this bit of support. Thank you for harnessing the wisdom of La Luna and sharing it amongst us like warm, buttery, star-shaped cookies that sweeten and nourish our lives and spirits. Much love. <3 Rosemary, Oregon
Wow! This is so accurate for me. ~ Sheri Chen, Suburban Pagan”