Kathy Crabbe

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Winter Solstice Meditation & New Moon in Capricorn

Moon Glory by Kathy Crabbe from the Lefty Oracle Deck

Dear Moon Muser, Come celebrate the Solstice with me and a little help from the Gods and this meditation I channeled just for you and a few friends I’ll be meeting with by phone to “do the work.”

Solstice Meditation

Allow yourself to go deep, even through resistance; keep going, the deeper you go, the lighter you become. The darker it is, the lighter you are.

You are the light
in the shadows.

Feel the nourishment surrounding you. Feel Her Presence. The Gods are laughing!

What is your wish?
Ask it.

Allow Their Grace to fall upon it and bless it.

You ARE divine.

You ARE loved.

You matter.

Ask the Gods what you need to know right now. Take your time.

Then slowly come back to the hear and now, gently. Feel yourself changed. Feel your body respond.

Blessed Be and good work my friends, and don’t forget to leave an offering for your guides in thanks.

Love, Kathy ‘Kat Crabbe
Soul Reader & Artist
Temecula, CA

About Kathy Crabbe
Feel Kathy’s healing energy guide you with a gentle touch. You ARE in alignment with your soul’s purpose. As a soul reader, astrologer and artist Kathy provides you with a safe and encouraging space to shine light upon your hidden gifts and talents in tune with your spirit guides and the divines.

The awakening of my intuitive gifts came at age 40 when, creatively blocked, I switched to my non-dominant left hand which inspired my right brain, leading to the creation of the Lefty Oracle deck and becoming a professional soul reader.