Moon in Virgo: Seek Out Elder-Wisdom - Nov. 1 - 4:
“Sweetness” by Kathy Crabbe from the Elfin Ally Oracle Deck.
As Mama Moon changes sign from fiery, party-gal Leo into the sweet, gentleness of Virgo, our Moon Vibe softens, becoming more rose-hued and service oriented.
With Moon trining Uranus and Pluto the vibe is heightened and more intense, impulsive and revolutionary than Virgo likes, but because the Moon changes signs every 2 1/2 days, it’s short lived.
With Moon trining Saturn and opposing Neptune you may want to keep your feelings to yourself and seek out elder-wisdom instead.
The Moon also squares Mercury and sextiles Jupiter so the opposite of the above is also true; you may have a real need to share your emotions and be with people so this should balance things out. Planning a get-together with old chums is one way to express the mood and will perfectly attune you with the Virgo Vibe.
The Jack Rabbit is our Virgo Moon Ally this month as her astrological signs are Virgo and Libra ruled by the planets, Mercury and Venus.
Jack Rabbit Oracle Card Meaning: Romance is in the air; succumb to it, if you dare.
Jack Rabbit Medicine: Your magic is untamed, tricksy and loving, so take care in choosing the ONE.
Excerpted from the Elfin Ally Oracle Deck - re-wild your elfin self in tune with Mama Moon. Spring 2019 Release.
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About Kathy Crabbe + Daily Moon Vibes
I believe in dreams and creativity AND inspiring my peeps to awaken creativity, intuition and joy, no matter what. As a practicing astrologer + artist for the past 26 years I’ve learned a thing or two and I’d love to share that with you!
Creative tools such as Moon Vibes, Oracle Decks and Astrology Reports will help to awaken your intuition, which is essential for navigating these often crazy times.
About Daily Moon Vibes: Flow in tune with Mama Moon! Every 2-3 days Mama Moon works her way through all 12 signs of the zodiac so I tune in and share these insights and transits with you to help awaken and strengthen your intuition. I include affirmations and spirit animal medicine from my Lefty Oracle Deck and upcoming Elfin Ally Oracle Deck. .
With Luv and Sparkly Blessings,
Kathy Crabbe, (Nov. 1, 2018)
Photo Credit: Chad Woodward