Kathy Crabbe

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Leo New Moon Soul Reading

It's the Leo New Moon on August 18 at 7:42 pm PDT so get ready to set your intentions for the moonth ahead with the help of this video and blog post during which I share some Leo Goddess energy along with a lefty card and a spirit animal to really help you get the job done, or to help make a decision you've been putting off for a while. Mercury is now direct AND out of the shadow so it's time to get to work, but most importantly, to have FUN doing it!

Sparkly Blessings!
Kathy Crabbe
Soul Reader, Artist, Astrologer

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New Moon Video Soul Reading

Leo Goddesses from the Zodiac Goddess Power Deck

Leo Meditation ~ The Gold Within

Feel the sadness of earth’s cry,
let your body touch the sky,
guide by light, your soul’s fire,
spark to lead ever higher.

Leo Affirmations

  • I am special and loved

  • My heart is open

  • I am awake and in tune with my spiritual self

  • My inner child is alive and well

  • I am a creative being bursting with joy

  • I am one with the Sun

  • I am generous and loving

Leo Goddess – Cybele
Cybele Mountain Mother,
Great goddess earth,
In divine madness we worship
And celebrate her birth.

Cybele or “Mountain Mother” is an Earth Goddess originally worshipped in Turkey.  She appears as a full-breasted and mature woman carrying corn and keys and wearing a crown and robe the color of all the flowers of the earth over which she ruled.

Lefty Oracle Card: Now the Real Work Begins

Mantra: I am gifted.
Affirmation: I am a conduit for the divine.
Element: Earth

When this card appears in a reading it means business. What IS your ‘real work’; the work that matters to you on a soul-deep level? The work you MUST do before you die. Define that first. Then ask yourself, “Am I doing my ‘real work’ consistently or is it even on my radar?” If your ‘real work’ is still a mystery to you, it’s time to awaken to your soul’s calling and uncover your true gifts. You can start by looking back at your childhood and pin-pointing your favorite parts. Next, look at your current favorite activities or times when you’ve been so absorbed you lost track of time. If nothing comes to you, ask a friend to point out your strengths or take the StrengthsFinder test (from the book StrengthsFinder by Tom Rath).

In my own life I purchased the StrengthsFinder book, took the test and identified my top five strengths which helped me focus on my strengths rather than my weaknesses so that I could truly shine.

Creative Journal Prompt
Where are you at with your ‘real work’? Have you started it yet? Or are you still figuring things out or perhaps you are at a complete standstill?  Wherever you are on your journey is exactly where you need to be. Take a moment now to contemplate this then write down whatever you come up with. If you’re stuck try double doodling which is a technique that involves using both hands to draw freely at the same time. This stimulates both sides of the brain in an empowering and grounding way.

Expressive Body Movement Challenge
To help shift your cells/body/mind just a smidge and to gain new perspective try imitating the pose of the Lefty in this card until you feel yourself shifting gears internally. Then hold out a bit longer, rest and go back to your journal exercise and write some more without thinking…just write.

Elfin Ally Oracle: Blue Heron

Keyword: Proud
Meaning: You know exactly what to do.
Reversed: You hesitate and miss out.

Affirmation: I am powerful magic.
Astrology: Aquarius, Neptune, Pisces, Pluto, Uranus
Element: Air, Water

Medicine: Your soul’s haven is a stream-fed consciousness, peaceful and deep.

Lore: Here in Magic Land with Heron as her ally, she could BE HERSELF; strong, capable, mystical, communing with stars that showed her the way home to the Heart of the Mystery.

The ancient primeval hunting grounds of her ally the Great Blue Heron provided her, Queen Elf, with a stream-fed haven to replenish heart and soul.

Zodiac Goddess Power Deck: PREORDER before August 18 To Receive These Gifts!

  • Time Line Report: A three month forecast that looks at major events in your life, including monthly highlights.

  • 14 page Goddess Asteroids Report to shed new light on the important areas of emotion and experience plus greater insight into how you interact with the rest of the world.


It is important for this planet that we awaken Goddess Energy so we can hear the voice of deep intuition  and wisdom once again.

Deck Details:
- 32 Zodiac Goddess cards, 3.5 x 5.5”, UV coated, 320gsm.
- 20-page hard copy Guidebook with altar tips, affirmations and power-up suggestions to work with each sign, plus goddess myths and poems.
- Sweet little full color box to hold everything with Goddess poems printed on the inside.
- Printed in the USA by Gamecrafter.

About the Creator: Artist, author, teacher and soul guide, Kathy Crabbe invokes Faerie Goddess Spirituality to heal, make whole and holy. She is Mother of the Lefty Oracle and Elfin Ally Oracle decks. She’s also sort of ambidextrous. Drawing with her non-dominant left hand led to the creation of her first deck, the Lefty Oracle and becoming a Soul Reader.