Libra New Moon 2016
I'm always hesitant to get too personal online although I know it's the trend as it does suck folks in in a sort of soap opera way but that is just not me! I fear navel gazing and boring you with the intricacies of my own personal life and heck, it's MY personal life...nuff said.
I will share what the essence of Libra means for me though. It means the ability to adapt to any situation with grace and charm. It means having a sleeping bag and tent always at the ready in the trunk of the car in case of a good camping opportunity. It means making a party wherever you are instead of whining. So, in that spirit I introduce you to this month's New Moon oracle card from my upcoming Lefty Oracle Deck plus her/his accompanying affirmation and story-poem that will also appear in the guidebook for the deck.
To Dither or not to dither, that is the question
‘To dither or not to dither,
that is the question.’
Or is it?
Perhaps it’s the answer?
Caught in the space in between -
the space where poetry grows
and fairies go -
is where this question lies.
Perhaps it’s a question
only my higher power can divine?
Perhaps it’s not meant to be answered?
Perhaps I shall just sit
and twiddle my thumbs
and dance my dance and call it a night.
Perhaps in doing so
I am fulfilling my destiny after all.
Affirmation: I am fully present in the moment trusting fully that the way forward will become clear in the perfect time and perfect way.
To Dither is available as a print in my Shop.
Libra New Moon Altar Tips from my Zodiac Goddess Playbook
Libra – Scales of justice
Time of Year – Fall, Autumn Equinox,
September 23 - October 22
Quality – Cardinal
Element – Air
Ruler – Venus
Anatomy – Kidneys
Natural sign of – 7th house
Opposite sign – Aries
Color – Shades of blue, pale green, pink
Gemstone – Bloodstone, jade, jasper
Tarot card – Justice
Goddesses – Athene, Benzaitan, Maat, Minerva, Nemesis, Themis
Libra Affirmations
- I focus on beauty, harmony and cooperation within my personal relationships
- I am serene and at peace
- Harmony fills my soul
- I come alive to the rhythm of tribal beats through dance and movement
- I see and understand every woman’s point of view
- I see beauty all around me
- My inner scales are in perfect balance
Delve Into Culture:
- - Delve into culture: the arts, music, poetry
- - Make time for social gatherings
- - Be in love and be loving
- - Handle conflict with fairness and equality
- - Flood the mind with beauty
- - Seek common ground with others
- - Cultivate the refined, elegant and lofty dimensions of experience
Purchase my Goddess Zodiac Playbook here as an ebook.
My Lefty Oracle Deck Art Opening at Riverside Art Museum
Click here for tons of fun photos from the opening where I had folks pick a card from the deck and then come up with a pose inspired by the card...couples collaborated to come up with a small re-enactment of what the card meant to them and performed it in my booth as I snapped a pic. Folks also practiced drawing with their non dominant hand in the wee guidebook I provided.
New Moon 4 Print Winner is Mrs. K. Murdock
The Riverside Art Museum Winner of a Lefty Print & Card of Your Choice is: Jennifer Fisher
Jennifer posing as Lefty Oracle Card "Sexy Sunflower" at the Riverside Art Museum opening
New Minis! Click here to shop!
Silk art Cat Prints BIG SALE + FREE SHIPPING! Click here to Shop
When these prints are gone they are gone! It's the last of my LuLu in Laguna silk art prints.