Kathy Crabbe

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Perfection Is ...

As I was snacking on some olives, camembert, blueberries and Belgian ale last night before the eclipse and Full Moon occurred in the wee hours of the morning, my husband I reflected upon what an odd day it had been; we had caught glimpse into people's souls that were previously hidden, as colleagues and even strangers told us the most revealing things about themselves! What a day, so I was reeeaaaalllly looking forward to the upcoming lunar revelations which would be happening while I slept @ 4:30 am pdt.

So, to prepare for the occasion I brushed myself with Oil of Azeztulite under the light of the full moon and blessed my stones in preparation for dreamwork. I chose Azeztulite, a white pearl, and a Lithium Quartz double terminated Crystal (from Kacha Stones) to meditate and dream with by placing them under my pillow.

Azeztulite brought me joy.

Lithium Quartz brought courage.

Pearl brought nurturing.

My hand painted oracle cards also called to me so I pulled a card from my Lefty Oracle deck and sat quietly with it for awhile, not actually looking at the card, but instead holding my hand over it's surface to sense the energy as I asked the universe: "May I open to the mysteries of my soul and accept myself with all my faults and limitations."

Happiness Is...knowing that perfection is RIGHT NOW.