Kathy Crabbe

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Taxi Ride

Taxi Ride. Acrylic and pastel on silk, 42 x 42 inches. © 2010 by Kathy Crabbe I am in love with silence and feel blessed beyond measure to live surrounded by the sounds of nature: the dove, multiple bird sounds; chirp, cheep, aw aw, hoohoooohoo, week week and long drawn out warbles.

I sit and stare at my silk canvas trusting in the process. The idea is to paint this series (Journey Into Intimacy) over one year's time and just let the process carry me where it will. My only expectation is that I'll have a body of work with some strong pieces at the end of the year.

Taxi Ride. Acrylic and pastel on silk, 42 x 42 inches. © 2010 by Kathy Crabbe

I paint nearly every day and I write as well. The writing spurs the painting and the music I choose provides extra juice. I never know what the painting will be, I just wait for the emotion to take over and I follow where it leads.

Why is it that some people cannot acknowledge other's talents? Is it a fear of denigrating their own talent? It's as if some people feel as though they only have a limited supply of love to give out and that they must hold on to it tightly to prop themselves up, leaving very little room for anyone else. Thoughts, anyone?

Taxi Ride. Acrylic and pastel on silk, 42 x 42 inches. © 2010 by Kathy Crabbe

It's easier to paint by charging forward, not quite sure if I like the painting or not! Sometimes, fuck it...I just want to leave it be, accept that it's perfect as it is although I know it's not over yet! (oww! paper cut!)

"We've all been pushed too far I guess on days like this" - from the song "Taxi Ride" by Tori Amos.

Musical Ambience: Tori Amos ~ Scarlet's Walk